Monday, February 08, 2010 | Author: Jacob
Although delayed due to the aforementioned weather, the big fiesta in honor of Saint Blaise was rescheduled for this past Saturday. A quick trip to Wikipedia informs me that Saint Blaise is often the patron saint of wool combers, and that he is known to intervene in cases of throat illness 'especially for fish-bones stuck in the throat.'

We watched as the estuary filled up with pangas filled with fishermen and their families, and somehow (against everyone's warnings) we ended up in a huge waterfight. We were manning 5 gallon buckets, which were effective, but slow on the reload. We ended up totally soaked, and managed to get quite a bit of water below as we forgot to close a porthole or two, but it was really good fun.

A short while later a panga zipped by carrying Dan and Lisa from Rumiko. They quickly turned around, and picked us up for the ride. Later that night we saw the most insane fireworks display we've ever seen...think 100 foot tall rickety tower of fireworks, sparks flying everywhere into the crowd, smoke, noise, and not a firetruck in sight.

The blessing of the fleet.

Future captains, these guys were more at home on the water than most of the yatistas we've met.

(firework photos stolen from Rumiko's blog, thanks guys!)

Today we took in a bit of history, visiting the remains of the city's fort and original church. Built in the late 1700s, the stone arches of the church are still standing.

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On February 8, 2010 at 9:32 PM , shindz said...

When I was traveling down the river in Amazonian Peru, I met kids that were just like the ones you describe in the photo.


On February 10, 2010 at 10:42 AM , Doug and Carla Scott said...

Oh man, we hate to miss a Fiesta. Glad that you had a wonderful time! Looking forward to seeing San Blas one of these days...

On February 11, 2010 at 11:44 AM , Mac said...

Great to see so many photos guys!
Wish you much Love and success on your voyage!